Cattle Traceability for Conscious Consumerism

Livestock Traceability

Our platform is designed to modernize livestock traceability for conscious consumerism by replacing the unchipped identification ear tag with a UHF RFID chipped tag (along with the low frequency ear tags typically used today) to give the owner of the livestock and the processing plant where the livestock is delivered multiple traceability options.

From the Barn to the Field

Using our platform, you can track your livestock as they interact with feed, salt, and water stations. The service is designed around attaching RFID tags to individual animals, counting them passing through gates, or entering the newly born or purchased to the inventory. GPS locators and RFID antenna triangulation enable near real-time data gathering of your livestock activities.

Conscious Consumers Want Food Tracing Modernization

Our platform enables both the LF and UHF RFID along with transceiver and triangulated antenna hardware and location tagging to automatically track all of the animals in an area along with when they drink, when they eat, and when they are moved from one pen, field, or building to another (even if done as a group).

Livestock can be tracked individually, in groups, or changing combinations. We can attach any data inputs, automated scanning, photos, voice to text, video, inoculation data, and other information as needed in your deployment to individual or groups of livestock.

Photo by Mark Stebnicki

Once in the processing plant, our ear tag can be kept with the carcass and automatically tracked as it goes through each step of processing with data following every step of the way. Multiple data inputs can be combined to give a full picture of what went into the product and can be attached to the label placed on the packaged goods before shipping.

Photo by Pixabay

If you are interested in pursuing a UHF traceability solution for your livestock, contact our team and we will work with you to determine the scope of the project and what we can do to enable the traceability you want and need.


To pursue the possibilities Conservature can bring to your operation, contact our team.