
Our services are designed to add traceability to agricultural crops through RFID and NFC tags, GPS locators, and real-time data gathering while planting, growing, harvesting, processing, and shipping crops.

Ground level view of vegetable planted in field

Plants and Perishables

Using our platform, you can track just about any product or raw material including flowers, fruit, vegetables, grain, feed, trees, plants, and more. Our service is designed to add traceability to agricultural crops through RFID and NFC tags, GPS locators, and real-time data gathering while planting, growing, harvesting, processing, and shipping crops.

Food Modernization with Crop Traceability

Our system attaches activity and GPS data to locations like fields, rows, buildings, rooms, harvest containers, shipping containers, pallets, and more.

Picking apples off a tree
Photo by Zen Chung

We also enable tracking of machines like harvesters, forklifts, trucks, processors, assembly lines, and more.

With chip embedded smart card employee badges, we can add additional data points to the activity around who is driving the fork lift, who delivered the crate of harvested fruit, and who moved the stack of pallets to the cooling room and when.

With our platform, we can track all of the critical points of processing and add automated tracking to help monitor when things are added to the system, how long they have been in specific locations, and when and where they were moved and/or shipped.

Locations can be managed over time (like a tree or building entrance) and may incllude secured entry, time lapsed photography, monitoring the spread of disease, and harvest traceability.

We use a combination of NFC/RFID chips, service integrations, location-based tracking, and pattern recognition to deploy an automated system that can help your team monitor the state of your crop, harvest, packaging, and shipping of goods.

Vegetable crops watered by metal watering can
Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Interested? If you want to pursue the possibilities Conservature can bring to your operation, use the button below to contact our team.